Monday 5 December 2011

For my double page spread I will include an interview from an up and coming artist that has recently been discovered. The interview will include a number of questions that allows me to know about the artist’s life and real life stories. I have decided to use this because from my questionnaire research I found that the two main features that my target audience would like to see are real life stories and interviews with artists.
Below is the interview I will use:

Interviewer: So how does it feel to finally be recognised for what you do best?
Artist: well it’s great to be honest, I’ve been making music since I was very young and it’s just amazing to finally be appreciated for what I do
Interviewer: Yes that’s great, congratulations. So tell us… Where are you from? And how did you know you wanted to become a part of the music industry?
Artist: Thanks. And well.. now that’s a story to tell. I was born in Manchester, and as you probably already know it’s not always the safest of areas to be brought up in. If I’m being honest with you I was more dragged up than brought up. I was brought up living in a society where everyone was just trying their hardest to survive. But I’m not going to go into detail because  I think that the society I was brought up in made me who I am today and my lyrics and music are all inspired by my past experiences which make it even better because I know that people can relate to the music I make. And that’s what it’s all about
Interviewer: Wow. What a touching story, I think the music you create is great for the youth of today as there are many teenagers who are in the situation that you were in and maybe have no one to turn to so for that reason I think you’re a true inspiration
Artist: Thank you very much and I’m glad you’ve noticed that because that is one of the main reasons I wanted to make music and I just hope that people understand me and my music and the soul purpose for it
Interviewer: I am very sure they will. Good Luck for the future and thank you very much for taking your time for this interview

Sunday 4 December 2011

Saturday 3 December 2011

Conventions of a double page spread:
  • They all include a main image that is usually related to the story within the text.
  • A title that is bigger than all the other text.
  • The text is usually written in columns.
  • The heading is usually in a bold font so it stands out from the page
  • There are certain colours so it sticks to a convention
  • Sometimes the picture is a cross the whole DPS with all text on the picture.
  • Quotes are used sometimes in the title/headline top break up the text
  • Often includes the name of the journalist or person who wrote the article
  • First letter of the article is bigger to show you where to start reading.
  • Sometimes uses stylized fonts.
  • Headlines used to draw the reader in but don't tell them what the whole article is about
  • Byline-who wrote the article, photographers credit.
  • Laid out in 2-4 collumns.
  • Strap line at the top- what the article is about.
  • The article is usually written infromally and the personality
  • of the journalist come through.